Monday, April 28, 2014

Leaving April on a Positive Note


The month of April has definitely been a crazy one for me. For my new viewers, I finally finished school last week and will be graduating on Saturday with a Bachelors in Business Management. I am really excited for my new adventures and hope I can start bring more exciting posts in the future. I also must announce that my godson, Jayden, was born this morning at around 6am!!!! I am so excited to be a new aunt AND a first-time godmother.

So much exciting news packed into one month, right?

XO Cindy

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Welcome APRIL!

Hello My Lovely Viewers!
I wanted to welcome April yesterday, but due to school, I got nothing fun done! Here in California, the weather has stayed true to the famous quote "April showers, May flowers". Yesterday was a horrible rainy day for us, and it looks as if today, the rain has cleared up. Anywho, exciting news for this month is that I will have many arts and crafts and DIY posts for you all! I am currently planning my graduation party and would like to provide you all with some tips and tricks to make your events easy, low cost, and fun with DIY tutorials. I am also thinking of including a outfit of the day (OOTD) or mini hauls that include beauty and fashion! Super excited for this month and I hope to continue sharing more fun stuff with you all!!!!

Stay tuned...

XO Cindy